avnit @avnit
Room near Ohare
avnit @avnit
I have a 2 bed 2.5 bath town home and if you need to stay please email me at abambah@gmail.com
Jul 02, 13 at 9:35pm
I live 10 min from the place and have 2 bed and 2 bath , email me at abambah@gmail.com
Jul 02, 13 at 8:36pm
Anybody going to be doing Supernatural cosplay this weekend/interested in doing a photoshoot or meetup?
I'll be going as fem!Cas with a fem!Dean, and regular Dean and Cas with us as well. We might also have a crazy!Cas uwu
Jul 02, 13 at 5:01pm
Can i pick up my pre-registered badge on friday? Or is it just available on Thursday?
Jul 02, 13 at 4:05pm
What does, my name?
Jul 02, 13 at 12:06pm
well if its has your face and full name.it shoulndt be a problem contact molly for a better answer.God bless and keep you
Jul 02, 13 at 6:29am
I wish I was, I'm horrible at that game! Haha!~
Jul 02, 13 at 6:22am
Bleh. Here's my boring linkage. http://pastafrost.tumblr.com/
Jul 01, 13 at 11:58pm
Oh and if you are staying in the hotel, be really respectful of the staff there and don't do anything bad to the hotel room. Most hotel staff don't particularly like when the Anime cons are happening at the hotels because of all the noise and disturbance it causes for their more business oriented guests (with the Hyatt Regency being close to the airport I'd imagine that a lot of business executives stay there). So it is best to really be mindful of people around you especially when you go back to your respective hotels.
Jul 01, 13 at 10:24pm
hope im nor rude but i say
1.train and bus (use mapquest it helps alot)
2.i have a room but its has 5 people inclued me in it ill say we can neog. a price its at the hayatt 2 beds
3.use the other badge and idk with the other since your not SUPPOSED cough to give it away conatce via fb-ravenfinch email-fukokara@yahoo.com
Jul 01, 13 at 9:20pm
hello, i'm going to anime midwest for my first time this year! soooo excited! but i'm interested in entering the masquerade or any hallway cosplay contest this con might have? i have tried to dig up info on registering for the cosplay contests but i'm abit confused :/ any info about registration for contests and time commitments is much appreciated! and is there any sort of hallway contest? that requires less of a time commitment? its hard to get the hubbsters to agree to give up most of his con saturday standing around backstage in costume thats why i ask :) thanks for any info!
Jul 01, 13 at 9:19pm
I can find information about mainstage but I can't find anything about hall cosplay. Is there one and if so, where can I find the info?
Jul 01, 13 at 2:09pm
Thanks you for those directions! That area sounds awesome, I love mexican food!
Ooooohhh I just looked on that website and they have so many restaurant options! I found an Indian food and a great sounding Italian restaurant on there but it is listed under Fine Dining, so maybe that is not the best place to go when I am in costume.... lol
Jun 30, 13 at 2:33pm
i live in merrerville and my frind whos my ride in hannoh ill ask him but youll need to pay of course im a fem by the way
Jun 30, 13 at 11:28am
Hello, sorry for the late reply.
koalatytime - No, it's just on Saturday. And you can participate if you would like; I really don't expect anyone under 18 to show up (with myself being the exception, but I'm going to be running the timer and announcing switches), but, if they do, they will probably have their own section for their age group or with people who don't mind talking to people of that age, if that makes any sense at all. Most of the people I've had come to Speed Date ended up being at least twenty or so.
gothickairi - Yes, my friend and I are indeed hosting both. :)