Guest Suggestion Form

Do you have the contact information for a great guest?

The most important thing about suggesting a guest to attend our convention is having their contact information. There are thousands of celebrities who get hundreds of emails every single day, and they have no way to read them all. If we send some guests an email there's a good chance we'll never here back.

Agents & Managers: Submit Your Guest
Are you a voice actor, industry member, entertainer, musician, or an agent? If you want to submit a guest for consideration, submit here.

What kinds of guests are we looking for?

We are looking for voice actors, musicians, and entertainers of all kinds! Comedians, educational instructors, performers, and more would have a wonderful time performing at Anime Midwest, and we would love to have you. Join our nearly 20,000 unique attendees in a three day weekend celebrating everything nerdy and everything anime.

Cosplayers are not usually invited as guests, but we have a program to reward top cosplay panelists with hotel rooms and badges in return for running some great panels and sharing your knowledge and skills with our audience.

Submit Guest Information

Be part of Anime Midwest 2025. Get your tickets.
An convention.