Heres the Deal

morikothedruid @morikothedruid
Heres the Deal
morikothedruid @morikothedruid
My rooms that my friend and i had purchased had to be canceled because my aunt n uncle were kicking him out of the house...he left the state to go live with someone else.
Then by the time i had posted in someones Room topic after waiting for theire response. The room gets filled because i feel asleep waiting for a response.(No cell phone so this and fb are only ways of contact, and the person did not even contact me until the room was filled which screwed me over)
I Live in Elkhart which is about two hours away from chicago.
SO that leaves me with
No way to get to Chicago(unless either Carpool or train)
No Room to stay in.
ad one ticket plus mine paid for with no chance of refunds...

ravenfinch @ravenfinch
commented on
Heres the Deal
ravenfinch @ravenfinch
hope im nor rude but i say
1.train and bus (use mapquest it helps alot)
2.i have a room but its has 5 people inclued me in it ill say we can neog. a price its at the hayatt 2 beds
3.use the other badge and idk with the other since your not SUPPOSED cough to give it away conatce via fb-ravenfinch
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