Input on Convention Video(s)?

I'm considering making a few convention videos as a momento of this years AniMid, but also for others to relive or vicariously experience what they missed out on. The videos would include cosplays, dealer's room merch, Sleeping Samurai footage being my main focus; closing ceremony, concert footage, maybe a panel or two, etc being my secondary (as I only have 40gb of memory available). Is this something you guys would like to see? I would obviously ask for permission before recording anyone directly. The footage won't be professional quality, but they wouldn't be bad either. I most likely won't be able to make Friday, but for sure am making Saturday and Sunday. (To get a general idea of the video quality my youtube channel is
If you do put a video together id love to see it. I thought about filming bits and pieces myself but I do not think I'll have room to carry that stuff around with me.
If you are willing to actually carry that stuff around and make a video over the weekend I would be ecstatic to watch it! c;
im making one for sure since i have 16gb of memory ohh yeahhh
My equipment currently includes: Fujifilm finepix s3200 Lol Sweet stuff guys, I appreciate the feedback. I think I'm also going to do mini-interviews of con-goers; "favorties/funny experiences of this/past years"
I've been meaning to do a documentary on cosplay and convention culture, just haven't really gotten around to it yet though. I'd be excited to see your video (or be in it if you wanted). I love convention videos, they're always neat to watch and I like watching them if I am going through convention withdrawal lol
That'd actually be pretty interesting to see. What/who are you cosplaying as? I'd be more than happy to have you in the video, I still am not sure how I'm going to go about the composition/editing but I have a few ideas in mind
Go for it! I always make a convention video for each con I go to for my YouTube. (:
Okay I feel as though I'm going to need everyones youtube before this is over, cause I'm going to want to see all of this videos..
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