Anyone wanna help with a flash mob?

Ok so first of all hi guys how are you doing today? So me and my friend are planning on doing a few Les Mis flash mobs during midwest this year, and we need voices, since all we have is us 2 so far. What we are planning on doing is: Do You Hear The People Sing (Probably on Friday) One Day More (Probably on Saturday) Epilogue (Probably on Sunday) So help/voices/you guys, if you wanna join in on this, please let me know. It's greatly appreciated~ :)
I would like to help please post a time, and place for the days of the flash mob.
We are planning on having the flash mobs in the main area by the escalators. Friday's will be around 2:30pm, Saturday's around 7:30pm, and Sunday's around 1pm
My friend and I would be willing to do it. She has a good voice and I am okay. We can probably make all of them except for Friday.
Alright~ The more the merrier! Now, so we can plan more for this, could you possibly private message me so I can get you more info so we can plan more for this. Thank you!
i think am is to small to do a perfection one.
but ill be in anyways
Great! The more the merrier~ Alright so we are able to continue to make plans with the other volunteers, there is info on what the plan kinda is on my profile thingy in response to another volunteer and hopefully we'll be in contact soon!
I would please! i can sing somewhat well!!!
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