
Dec 28, 12 at 9:20am
So, this is going to be my first cosplay! I am cosplaying as Namine from Kingdom Hearts and I hope to meet others who are interested in KH and FFVII! And I would also like to know what to do and what not to do at this anime con:-) Thank you!
Jun 30, 13 at 9:40pm
FFVII is the best...glad to see it's still well appreciated :)
Hi! Welcome to the world of cosplay! You will definitely find tons of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy cosplayers there. I feel like I see hem everywhere at conventions lol As for what to do and what not to do I'll just give you a brief summary. Do: Just be yourself, feel free to talk to any cosplayers you want.. most everyone is very friendly. Make sure to eat and drink like you regularly do. Sometimes people at these events tend to forget to eat and keep hydrated and it ends up making them really miserable and tired. So remember to eat! Remember to ask people before taking their pictures! Cosplayers don't like when people try to take sneak pics, plus you'll get a better picture that way. Don't: do anything you wouldn't do outside of the convention.. anything that is illegal or wrong outside of the convention is also wrong inside the convention. I just say this because sometimes people tend to forget that with all the excitement and stuff happening at the cons. Also try not to act incredibly disruptive and if people in your fandom seem to be doing something that seems wrong... don't join in with them.
Jul 01, 13 at 10:36pm
dont harras
Oh and if you are staying in the hotel, be really respectful of the staff there and don't do anything bad to the hotel room. Most hotel staff don't particularly like when the Anime cons are happening at the hotels because of all the noise and disturbance it causes for their more business oriented guests (with the Hyatt Regency being close to the airport I'd imagine that a lot of business executives stay there). So it is best to really be mindful of people around you especially when you go back to your respective hotels.
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