Jul 08, 13 at 11:32pm

batsybunny @batsybunny
commented on
batsybunny @batsybunny
I'm actually looking for pictures, if anyone has any with a Discord, Queen Chrysalis, or Nightmare Moon/Luna please send them my way! You can send them to::
thanks :D
Jul 08, 13 at 8:02pm
Awesome cosplay! I never saw it D: still that's cool, hope you had fun!
Jul 08, 13 at 6:34pm
For my first con I must say, anime Midwest was pretty amazing! Sure, it had some flaws (We all know what...) But I really enjoyed myself there!
I cosplayed as Hatsune Miku and Nohara Rin over the weekend. If you got to meet me and we never exchanged tumblrs and stuff let me know here, I would love to stay friends!
I got to meet some awesome people and see allot of amazing cosplays! I have a video up and at least two more to be uploaded if anyone wants to check them out and let me tag you. Only a photo slide is up but the actual video I got will be on YouTube in the next few days.
YouTube: halloweensgirl
If you see yourself comment on the video the time and either a tumblr or YouTube account I can link you too.
Thanks again everyone! Hopefully see you next year!
Jul 08, 13 at 6:14pm
Of course! Added you on the book of faces
Jul 08, 13 at 12:19pm
Nice to meet you all. this was my first anime mid west and i had a ton of fun! if you saw me and wanna chat feel free to shoot me a message or add me on face book =D. I look forward to hearing from you
Jul 07, 13 at 11:11pm
I hope this is the right place to post this. I'm looking for any pictures/video of the hookah smoking zebras saturday/sunday at the con. We were out side of the fishbowl at around 4-5ish I'd say.
Thanks if anyone can help!
Jul 07, 13 at 8:30pm
hello! my hubs and I were Nausicaa and Lord Yupa in the masquerade, we won best in show and i didnt get any pics of us up on stage :( if anyone got any of us that would be so awesome and i'd be so grateful if you could post them or share the link! <3
Jul 07, 13 at 7:18pm
Anyone get footage of the whole rave on both Friday and Saturday?
Jul 07, 13 at 6:47pm
Also my Facebook is
Jul 06, 13 at 12:31am
So It's my first time at Anime Midwest and I feel like I don't know anyone except the 2 people I came with >.< I've got a table in Artist Alley, so I can't go and do much, but when AA closes tomorrow at 6, I wanna do something FUN and meet some friends.... But I'm too shy to approach people >.>;;
I tried the rave tonight, but it wasn't my thing - I'm more into industrial & trance music, like VNV, Crystal Method, etc. So that was sorta sad, since I love the goth/industrial/rave clubs in Detroit (where I'm from).
I'll be dressed as cybergoth Vinyl Scratch / DJ Pon-3 tomorrow all day, find me and make friends? *super shy smile*
Jul 06, 13 at 12:29am
This is my first year at Anime Midwest. I live in Michigan. I have a table in the Artist Alley with a friend of mine. We are staying at the hotel and are so psyched to be here!
How was your first time to Anime Midwest? How was it compared to this year?
Jul 05, 13 at 5:54pm
Hey, I'm new to buying tickets online, and since today was the first day of Anime Midwest, July 5 2013, I was wondering like, do we get the tickets at the door? Or do we have to go to the door to get them since you got 2000 more tickets?
Jul 05, 13 at 3:55pm
I am actually here now. I'd be ok with whatever u guy s decide.
Jul 05, 13 at 2:37pm
Jul 05, 13 at 2:35pm
If the space isn't already taken, I'd be willing to pay for floor space if necessary. I would only be in the room Saturday night-Sunday morning. Message me at if we could work something out