<Beep> <Beep>, this is Snake

This was my first Anime Midwest experience. My girlfriend introduced me to these conventions this year with C2E2 and ACEN. I cosplayed as Solid Snake from MGS, Old Snake from MGS4 and this past weekend I was Naked Snake/Big Boss. It was a fun experience meeting some of you and yelling out my death call. My girlfriend took some of these pictures this weekend. http://imgur.com/a/yucKK Here is old snake at ACEN http://imgur.com/a/xPG6r Solid Snake at C2E2 http://imgur.com/a/7K4rP add me on facebook if you arent shy https://www.facebook.com/lieutenantsarcasm Snake out-
Awesome cosplay! I never saw it D: still that's cool, hope you had fun!
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