New to this convention

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
New to this convention
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
Hello all, I'm Sweeney and I'm new to the conventions out in the Midwest. This year will be my first time attending Anime Midwest and I am really excited to be at a new and different con venue. I used to live in NJ and went to conventions such as NYCC, Connecticon, Otakon, AnimeBoston, Katsucon Arisia etc.
Anyways, I am really looking forward to meeting new people and I can't wait till Anime Midwest! I haven't been to a convention in a while and haven't had the chance to go out as Jack Sparrow for a while either, so I will be waiting (slightly impatiently lol) for this con.
I am a Jack Sparrow impersonator who is available for hire at events and parties and I also do professional dog grooming... kind of a strange mix of occupations lol

armsjet @armsjet
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New to this convention
armsjet @armsjet
Wahh that's quite a list you got going on there. I would love to hear some stories!
Seems like you'll be really easy to spot so if I see you I'll be sure to mosey over and speak with you. Also definitely get a picture with you because golly gee the costume looks great! Haha, I'm feeling a bit impatient as well, hence the forum bombardment.
You sound like a very interesting person.

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
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New to this convention
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
Haha I went to so many cons this past year (probably will make it to around 11 by the end of this year), at cons nothing particularly eventful happens to me since I never go to the raves or other large parties at the cons and the people I go with are generally very calm people who go off on their own to do stuff. So they probably have more stories than I do
I should be easy to spot... I am probably the only Asian Jack Sparrow impersonator who attends conventions, so I think I am super easy to find lol so yea, just come on over and say hi!
Well thank you very much! Haha I do that too, for a while down the introduction section of this forum it said my username all the way down the line because I wanted to greet everyone lol
What conventions do you usually attend? Who will you be cosplaying? Who have you cosplayed in the past?

armsjet @armsjet
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New to this convention
armsjet @armsjet
Oh wow, that's more than I've ever been to my whole life. I haven't gone to any of the raves or parties yet either but I plan to. There tends to be a lot of silly, odd, and fun moments regardless of whether people go to the party things anyway though. Ahhh okey dokey.
Woohoo, will do!!
Haha the same thing is happening to me now. I kind of wish the forums were more active but oh well.
I usually just attend acen and comic con but I do want to start going to others as well. I'm actually going to dress up as something I just made up. It involves a captain hat and muscular arms on my shoes. I'll be sure to post a photo or something when I have it finished. I'm thinking of writing or drawing some things on mini sheets of paper to pass out to people. I usually don't cosplay since I tend to be a ball of energy and would probably be climbing trees if the branches were within reach. If I do cosplay I opt for ones that allow easy/lots of movement ability, few accessories, and nothing that would get ruined or fall off if I decide to run around or something. I've cosplayed the vocaloid Rin a few times and plan to do Fionna from Adventure Time. Other than that it was just an impromptu mad hatter and stuff I made up.

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
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New to this convention
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
Sometimes the convention parties can get kinda sketchy or out of hand (I think one year at Anime Boston they had to shut down the rave because some incident happened). So that is why I don't really go to raves or parties, plus I am just not a party person really. I prefer to be alone, with my internet and TV lol
I do too. Forums are never as active as you want them to be, especially the convention specific forums. Usually people only visit those once in a while and most don't even post. If you want an active cosplay forum, the forums on are really active. I think you'd like posting there.
Comic Con as in San Diego Comic Con? I have not been able to get tickets to that, so I haven't been able to attend. One of these days though I will.. maybe next summer. Oh well you should be easy to spot then xD Let me know when you have photos up so I can see
That would work I think. What would you have on those pieces of paper? You could do some drawings and underneath you could link to your deviantart page or other contact information. I carry around business cards for my Jack Sparrow impersonation thing (I'm trying to become a professional Jack Sparrow impersonator), so I will be handing those out probably if people ask to get in contact with me.
Oh lol so you definitely would not be cosplaying Captain Jack Sparrow anytime soon. Lots of expensive accessories that can break or fall off if you run around too much (which is weird because he's a pirate... why the fuck are his costume items so expensive??? lol). But really I understand why they're expensive, it's because it's a specialty market and it takes a lot of work and skill to make replica costume items. So the prices are actually quite fair when you realize those things.
That's cool, I've never cosplayed any of the characters that originated in Japan (never done vocaloid or anime cosplays) but I have friends who do.

armsjet @armsjet
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New to this convention
armsjet @armsjet
Haha oh yeah, I think there's only been one year of all the times I've been to acen that an ambulence wasn't at the hotel. Or a bunch of cop cars. That's probably for the best. The lines for the raves are usually ridiculously long and then too many warm bodies cramped in a unsubstantial space. But I figure I should at least try it out once. I usually prefer exploring and talking.
Mmmhm, it would be much more fun if people posted more often. Then we could maybe even make mini event type things of our own or some meetups. Oh thank you, I'll try it out then!
AHHHH I wish. My entire being aches to go to that one. There's a comic con at the same place anime midwest is being held but at a different date. I will! I'll probably start working on it tomorrow and maybe even finish tomorrow since it's a simple thing. (hopefully?)
I'm not really sure yet. It might be a variety of different doodles. Depends on when I start drawing them and how I feel. Maybe jets with arms? Aha, good idea! I've been thinking about starting somewhat of an organization and this would be a good opportunity to get started. What do your business cards look like?
lol nope. It would be fun to try sometime though. That is really odd. I would expect pirates to opt for clothes/accessories that would aid in battle or escape. Maybe some gogo gadjet like accessories. Ah true, making costumes by hand especially is extremely difficult and frustrating work. My mom knows how to make dresses and skirts, which are enough work to make you crazy if you don't practice somewhat daily.
That's kind of funny because I think it's cool that you haven't. I love it when people do that. It confuses and catches people by surprise, priceless.

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
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New to this convention
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
lol Yea I'm just not into the whole dancing in a large dark room with 150 or so people that I don't know kinda thing. I am definitely not someone who will be going to night clubs or anything like that, I think those are sketchy.
Yea! There should be more cosplay meetups out here! In Boston (where I go to college) there are meetups every weekend, and then I came out to WI and I'm lucky if there is even one once a month :P
What date is it and what is it called? I may try to go next year. And okay, sounds good! If you finish a cosplay in one day, I'd be very impressed. I am currently working on a new Jack Sparrow wig and there is no way that I would finish that in one day.
Hmm maybe. Can you do fanart? People always love that xD
I'll give you one of my business cards if I see you. They aren't really that great, I need to design new ones. The ones I currently have are very simple and need to be redone
Yea well I guess he's Johnny Depp so he doesn't have to make sense :P Jack Sparrow is not really supposed to be a "functional" pirate I don't think lol
Does your mom help you with your cosplays or did you learn to sew from her? Sewing is something I need to learn. I can sew just fine, and I'm actually really good at handsewing, but I haven't actually made things from patterns yet. Just did minor repairs on my costumes or minor alterations.
Hahaha yea it kinda makes me the odd one out at cons because everyone else is super into anime and I actually am not. Which makes me a kind of strange person at these things. I prefer reality TV shows and shows like Hannibal, Criminal Minds, etc mainstream stuff lol

kandy @kandy
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kandy @kandy
Hello, Sweeney! It is a pleasure to meet you! This will be my first Midwest con as well. I bet you are a blast at parties! Jack Sparrow is -always- a blast at parties!

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
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New to this convention
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
Nice to meet you too! Did you just move out here to the Midwest or are you traveling just for this convention?
Haha well having Captain Jack Sparrow at a party definitely adds something extra to parties xD

armsjet @armsjet
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New to this convention
armsjet @armsjet
Ah, I understand you completely. Night clubs just don't seem that appealing due to the sketchiness, usually not so great music, and crowding.
Maybe we should plan a meetup ourselves and see if it'll catch on? It's worth a try. Seems like there are at least a handful who would want to meetup.
This is the most info I can find on it at the moment:
The prices are rather ridiculous though so I'm not sure what's going on. I don't remember it being that expensive last time. I was just going to cut out arms and put them on my shoes, seemingly easy thing. But on a whim I decided to make a robot helmet instead so I'm scrapping the arms idea for now. I think I'll be able to finish it in time if keep focused on it. Oh gosh I can't imagine how difficult the wigs are.
I wish, I've been out of practice drawing wise for quite awhile so I can only do poorly done silly doodles for now.
WOOHOO!! I'll put it in my treasure box then! Do you have any idea for a new design?
Very true, Jack Sparrow does not abide by others' logic and reasoning. He has a unique one of his own.
She just started sewing back up again recently so no cosplays yet but she did make me some marvel dresses, which are pretty neat. Yeah, she taught me how to hand sew. I haven't learned how to use the machine or follow patterns yet though. I might give it a shot before the summer is over. The patterns are really tricky and you have to be careful with what material you use. Some cloths unravel as you're attempting to sew them together.
It's a bit similar for me too. There a few animes/mangas I'm really enthusiastic about but I'm not as into it in general as most of the people going are. YESS I LOVE HANNIBAL!! I just started watching it recently and it gave me a huge urge to learn to cook because of how beautiful all of Hannibal's dishes look.
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