Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Anyone want a Canon? Black Rock Shooter prop
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
So I'm posting to see if anyone would like to buy my black rock shooter canon and take it home with them the week of anime Midwest 2014.
For future cosplayers of brs who may not want to make this prop this is a good time to take action. Or, if you won't be cosplaying brs but want a huge canon people anyway, now is the time.
Great condition. Has working light inside barrel. I posted a video with pictures and more information on YouTube, so please check out the link and email me asap if interested. Thanks guys! happycosplayer@gmail.com
Link don't work? YouTube search happycosplayer
Jun 17, 14 at 3:20pm
The list is up now. Check out the final schedule
Jun 17, 14 at 8:59am
Hello! Hope you have a good time!
Jun 17, 14 at 8:57am
Thanks for the advice leromun. I had not really thought in terms of capturing the "full cosplay" though it makes sense in hindsight that cosplayers would want all their work on the frame. I'll keep this in mind for the future.
All my cosplay pics so far were pretty much just shot on the spot, so I look forward to having the opportunity to have more than a few seconds to snap a pic and work with cosplayers for a few minutes get the kind of pics they would love to be in.
I try to shoot at least every weekend to get familiar with the camera and different lens options. I have my preferences a little more dialed in each week, and I'm excited to see how any Anime Midwest pics turn out.
What about all the other stuff that wasnt on the scedual? Where can i find that?
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over 10 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)

Jun 14, 14 at 2:19am
It would probably be up the week or two before the convention since most finishing touches are reviewing the whole schedule, art for the pamphlet, and making sure that everything is fresh and up-to-date. Usually, photo-shoots/meetups, and other stuff that isn't mentioned are perhaps a bit difficult to organize in a way where everyone can enjoy them. It's more cluttered and takes a lot of thinking and solving to see if things would work out. Since it's nearing the end, they're pretty much finishing it up and finalizing it sooner or later.
It's not that you aren't able to get or no one gives you a pamphlet. Usually, people wouldn't go up to grab one at all or even go ask to get one since they would go off and explore right away. There's often extra in Con-Ops for sure. Anime Midwest will likely send out an email to announce whatever's new and essential prior to the convention.
Jun 13, 14 at 8:52pm
I have emailed molly (a staff member) she stated that you will have to asked the person at the registration desk for the pamflet and that will show everything that is going on at the convention
Jun 13, 14 at 9:32am
"I've got 21 day's to get the middle piece for my love ward rin cosplay sewn on and to finish the hat" ahh i'm so excited! i literally can't wait ahhh >.<
Jun 12, 14 at 8:37pm
That's good to know.
Jun 12, 14 at 6:37am
You should bring something to have signed, because I'm unsure who will have stuff for you. Last year, SPG, had a booth in the dealers room where allot of people bought posters and CDs to have signed. Last year though one had to pay to get something signed, which confused allot of us who thought autographs we're free.
I Waited about 2 and a half hours before ditching the line ten minutes before they let everyone in because I had no money to,pay for an autograph and my camera was dead.
I believe most if not all autograph should be free this year, running off what the events page says concerning this. I would allow yourself at least a 2 hour window (depending on who is signing). You can always buy something from the dealers room and have it signed (keep in mind voice actors tend to only sign something of official merchandise or a print off picture of a character or show they voiced in)
Hope this helped
Jun 10, 14 at 6:48am
If you check out the events page that should help you.
I believe if you come on a day of the con to register that opens around 9-10ish. Dealers/venders hall normally opens after 10
Jun 10, 14 at 6:46am
Last year it was the ramen in a cup.
Jun 07, 14 at 4:56pm
Based on your guys' experience from the past couple years, it would be helpful to know how bad the autograph lines were, and how many hours (Yes, I'm expecting hours >.<) to line up beforehand so the line might or might not get cut off on me. Thanks guys!
Jun 04, 14 at 10:01pm
I have a room reserved at the Hyatt for Saturday night. It would be nice to have a person or two if you don't have a place to stay or don't like to commute.
It'll be nice to have cost covered plus I have a planned road trip to California. I want to celebrate another holiday weekend outside my town.
May 27, 14 at 2:30pm
You can't have photo shoots start after 6pm on a Friday and here is why: because most everyone would not go to them. The fantasy ball is Friday, concerts like the pillowcases and spg are also performing. It would to have scheduled photo shoots all weekend long. You must plan accordingly or miss a photo shoot.
This goes for every convention. Plan. If you miss, better luck next year. I've misses my fair share due to arriving later (which if I really wanted to go to said photo shoot I should arrive on time) or because an event was going on that I simply couldn't miss.
Perhaps someday a better way will arise -cough- Thursday through Sunday conventions -cough-
See ya at Midwest!