
Jun 16, 14 at 5:02pm
Hello staff, moderators,management, ect, There's been a lot of confusion and anticipation for the 2014 photoshoot schedule. As the con approaches in less than a month, is there an official photoshoot schedule? And if so, where can I locate it. Thank you!
Jun 17, 14 at 1:10am
There's no official photoshoot schedule out yet and I'm sure staff are working hard at it right now to add whatever they can to the limited amount of space as well as series into the schedule. Anime Midwest is in at least 2 weeks so they should have it up within that remaining time before the convention starts. Hopefully, they'll announce it through emails or something about the schedules and add it onto their long list on their google doc. spreadsheet located in Events for 2014
The list is up now. Check out the final schedule
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