What about all the other stuff that wasnt on the scedual? Where can i find that?

kaylajohnson333 @kaylajohnson333
What about all the other stuff that wasnt on the scedual? Where can i find that?
kaylajohnson333 @kaylajohnson333
Hi, i know i missed a whole bunch of stuff including panels, photoshoots, dances, and lots of other stuff for anime central due to the fact i didnt know what was going on and could not find/recieve a schedual. But for my trip to anime midwest i would like to get in on the action i have found the scedual for the masquerade and panels and other stuff but it metions at the top of the page that photo shoots, games and other stuff were not included in that schedual. Do you know where or when they will release a full shedual of that stuff or will it be posted some where. please help me this is only my second convention (tecnicaly my first because i didnt do anything at anime central) THANK YOU!!!

miss___cassie @miss___cassie
commented on
What about all the other stuff that wasnt on the scedual? Where can i find that?
miss___cassie @miss___cassie
It should be up either around now or next week but it's not? hopefully it will be up soon but it shouldn't be down to the last week before con. maybe next week

leromun @leromun
commented on
What about all the other stuff that wasnt on the scedual? Where can i find that?
leromun @leromun
It would probably be up the week or two before the convention since most finishing touches are reviewing the whole schedule, art for the pamphlet, and making sure that everything is fresh and up-to-date. Usually, photo-shoots/meetups, and other stuff that isn't mentioned are perhaps a bit difficult to organize in a way where everyone can enjoy them. It's more cluttered and takes a lot of thinking and solving to see if things would work out. Since it's nearing the end, they're pretty much finishing it up and finalizing it sooner or later.
It's not that you aren't able to get or no one gives you a pamphlet. Usually, people wouldn't go up to grab one at all or even go ask to get one since they would go off and explore right away. There's often extra in Con-Ops for sure. Anime Midwest will likely send out an email to announce whatever's new and essential prior to the convention.
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