Jun 28, 14 at 1:45pm

fr0zen0177 @fr0zen0177
commented on
Will there be a bag check?
fr0zen0177 @fr0zen0177
Thanks it sucks that there is not a bag check. but thanks for getting to me ill guess ill have to do more walking than i expected.
Jun 27, 14 at 6:02pm
Yeah man , I'll be hanging out with some other people I met .
Jun 27, 14 at 5:28pm
I thought about cosplaying as Sora from No game No life, just a shirt and his maroon hair, but I'm just going to wear a No Game No Life shirt with Shiro on it. I've never cosplayed by I think it's pretty fun to do, go for it. It doesn't have to be something crazy n out there, like I mentioned it could be something as simple as just a shirt n wig.
Hope you have fun at the con n maybe we'll see each other n we can hang if you want.
Hetalia cosplayers? Photoshoot? Hungary looking for a Prussia.
over 10 years ago • The Costumers' Paradise
over 10 years ago • The Costumers' Paradise
Jun 27, 14 at 11:45am
there are quite a few Hetalian's doing a regular panel Friday night and also an 18+ panel on Saturday. I know a few of them are wearing their costumes both days.

Jun 27, 14 at 9:33am
This account has been suspended.
Jun 26, 14 at 6:45am
Hiya! My sister and I will be hosting a frequently asked questions panel about cosplay on Sunday July 6th at 10am. We would love to have you join us as we answer some frequently asked cosplay related questions! We will also have open questions at the end of the panel.
If it sounds like something you would like to try and go to remember our panel is Sunday at 10am (:
Hope to see you there!
Jun 26, 14 at 1:31am
.o. Man! I cosplay Female Garterbelt! Dang it, I wish I could do it, but I have to pack light and honestly my wig takes up so much room. q.q The one time someone would actually know who the heck I am!!

Jun 26, 14 at 12:39am
I'm sorry for not answering until now-
Yes, that is allowed because it is can be sealed by the staff.
For swords, blades, knives:
As long as Anime midwest Con-Ops Staff can seal them, then they are allowed. If they aren't, please keep it in a safe place away from the crowds. Please do not break/cut the seal until your Anime Midwest event is completely over.

Jun 26, 14 at 12:33am
Last year, a few people brought in Alcoholic beverages, though, only drinking at the bar or in your room is alright. But it's not allowed in any events rooms or panels.
I remember last year, a woman in glasses made people very upset and annoyed- making them feel like they were in prison or something when she told them that she has to smell their water bottle/container for liquid for any traces of alcohol before they could be let into the rave. Annoying, but there was a reason for that, so please be careful about handling your alcohol.

Jun 26, 14 at 12:29am
If you have gotten the email that they have mailed out your badge, then you will get it in mail. However, if they tell you that you were not picked to have your badge mailed out, then you'll have to get them at registration.
Jun 25, 14 at 6:02pm
All depends on what the panel is and timing. IM not sure how lines will be done this year, but if it's anything like last expect a decent amount of time devoted to waiting in line (bring something to do or better yet strike up a conversation in the line!).
From my understanding the concerts will be back to back with quick stage changes, and anyone who attends one of the concerts is not required to leave when the next one is setting up (correct me if wrong anyone), so there technically won't be much if any of a line for those.
Guest panels and popular themed panels is the ones you'll have to judge yourself. Always allow yourself plenty of time, and if it's a panel you really really have to go to I say allow yourself as much time as possible.
Sorry I can't be of any 'real' help. Midwest will be am amazing convention none the less (:
Jun 25, 14 at 12:47pm
Cool beans! There is a Facebook group called the unofficial Naruto meetup for anime Midwest if you haven't join please do so, because photos will be posted there after.
Basically the unofficial Naruto meetup and photos shoot will be Saturday July 5th at 11am. Meeting place to be announced soon. If you have any further questions feel free to email me or add me on Facebook!
Jun 25, 14 at 12:26am
Whoops nevermind...they gotta delete the old forums
Jun 25, 14 at 12:20am
Hiya we seem to have a lot of things in common! Hehe I'm doing fem!captain america for Friday and would love to meet up!
And that naruto thing is still pretty cool...
My emails-
Jun 25, 14 at 12:02am
The room is stocked full of consoles and games that u are free to ask to play and there is also always arcade games! Its a blast!