The list is up! Photshoots and gatherings

You can now check out the final schedule for the weekend at the events page people! This has the photo shoots and gatherings most have been looking for, as well as autograph times
Sorry if this is a silly question, but are the Photoshoots listed under "meetups" or are they the "open" listing under Photography Room?
Gatherings should be the photo shoots. The photography slot I believe is open to anyone during the listed times (correct me otherwise) (:
I cant make either of the shoots I was going to be in ....Now I'm Depressed!
I also won't make the one I wanted to go to. Bad timing ):
same here bad choice of days for me. might find others and just do a mini one of our own...
That's what some of us Naruto cosplayers may do. An unofficial meetup Saturday
If I get my hands on a nice camera would anyone be interested in some free photos? I am thinking about spending half of Saturday offering to do group or single photos for people. Since it seems the gatherings don't work for everyone. Anyone at all interested?
oo id like some with my boyfriend ^_^ in fact im sure a lot of the fairy tail people would like some. we are getting together Saturday by the loading docks at 2:00. (then will move wherever there is space for us)feel free to join us ^_^
Happy cosplayer! I'm doing Naruko on Saturday and would love to meet up with y'all too!
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