Alcoholic Beverages?

What is the policy concerning Alcoholic beverages in the con. Is there BYOB and/or Open Container laws. Thanks. Seeya, Chef
You are aloud to have it in the rooms but I'm pretty sure your not allowed to carry it around the con. It is bring your own but if you find the right groups and make friends room parties are always around
Jun 26, 14 at 12:33am
Last year, a few people brought in Alcoholic beverages, though, only drinking at the bar or in your room is alright. But it's not allowed in any events rooms or panels. I remember last year, a woman in glasses made people very upset and annoyed- making them feel like they were in prison or something when she told them that she has to smell their water bottle/container for liquid for any traces of alcohol before they could be let into the rave. Annoying, but there was a reason for that, so please be careful about handling your alcohol.
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