Will there be a bag check?

Will there be a place to store our items so we can go to places that don't allow you to bring bags props etc. this is just based of ACENs knowledge becouse when I was there I wasn't allowed to bring bags or anything into the game room or the rave and I didn't want to leave my items out in the open incase of people stealing them. Thanks in advance-- Fr0Zen0177
Jun 27, 14 at 11:43pm
Usually there would be a room for baggage in cons, but as I recall from last year and no news of a 'coat/bag check' this year, I'd advise you to leave your belongings in your car or room. The only checking I heard was weapon/prop check, and checking bags and/or drinks for the rave. Bags are not usually not allowed in the Rave unless you're on medication. As for props, usually for weapons (fake or real swords) have to be checked and sealed by Con-Ops staff.
Thanks it sucks that there is not a bag check. but thanks for getting to me ill guess ill have to do more walking than i expected. Thanks~~~Fr0Zen0177
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