Are Real Swords Allowed?

rurounikenshin @rurounikenshin
Are Real Swords Allowed?
rurounikenshin @rurounikenshin
In the Weapons Policy it states "Swords are allowed if they can be tied shut in their sheath, or if they are made of wood or plastic." Does this mean real swords made of steel or another material are allowed as long as they are tied in their sheath and are not taken out?

leromun @leromun
commented on
Are Real Swords Allowed?
leromun @leromun
Yes they are are allowed, but please check in with con-ops for weapon check so they can officially seal the real sword. However, if the sword doesn't have anything for it to tie, it's not allowed. Every weapons needs to be check, unless you want people to stop you constantly to remind you to get it checked. The shittiest thing you can do is cut what we use to tie it to seal it shut and use it to wave around in the community, even if it's a small weapon or not.

allenkrieger @allenkrieger
commented on
Are Real Swords Allowed?
allenkrieger @allenkrieger
I have a similar question. Would a sword bayonet be allowed? It:s 1.7 feet long. The blade is dull. I thought whatever was used to tie it shut could be tied around the stuf on the side of the sheath and the hilt.
Here is a link to an image of it:

leromun @leromun
commented on
Are Real Swords Allowed?
leromun @leromun
I'm sorry for not answering until now-
Yes, that is allowed because it is can be sealed by the staff.
For swords, blades, knives:
As long as Anime midwest Con-Ops Staff can seal them, then they are allowed. If they aren't, please keep it in a safe place away from the crowds. Please do not break/cut the seal until your Anime Midwest event is completely over.
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