Jun 30, 14 at 8:36pm

riannajaye @riannajaye
commented on
JJBA Meetup
riannajaye @riannajaye
So it seems like on Saturday the "official" meetups end about 6pm, so we were thinking about having our "unofficial" JJBA meetup between 7 and 8.
I've never been to Midwest so I'm not familiar with the layout, but a friend suggested an area with domes outside? So if that works for others then I guess we will be there.
If things don't pan out but people still want to meetup, I will be in Speedwagon at that time and our Diego will most likely be in that cosplay as well, so just flag us down and maybe we can just start something up and people will follow suit!
Jun 30, 14 at 5:47pm
If you go to the spreadsheet link and modify where it says &output=html at the end of the url to &output=xls you can download it to an Excel file.
Jun 30, 14 at 12:42pm
Hey, just wondering if anyone is planning on a KagePro/MCA cosplay for Midwest!
We have a small group already including myself as Shintaro as well as an Ayano and a Momo.
If anyone is interested in meeting up for a photoshoot on Saturday though just let me know and we could arrange something :)
Jun 30, 14 at 11:28am
Awesome, thanks very much! I'll give them a call very soon.
Jun 30, 14 at 8:37am
I'll most likely be cosplaying as Soul from Soul Eater and might also do my L from Death Note. I can't currently do the season one version of Soul in my pic because my headband is missing but I can do his season two black jacket version and can also do the pinstripe suit outfit for a formal event. :-D
Jun 29, 14 at 10:26pm
I really need help. My friend paid for both of our passes today (2). We are only going on Saturday the 5th. I didnt know you sold one day passes with the promo code. I thought you could only purchase weekend passes online and one days at con. I feel really bad because I made him pay about forty dollars more.
Please help Me find a way to change this!!!
Jun 29, 14 at 8:57pm
I saw that there was a pokemon tournament in the guidebook, but couldn't find details on it. Does anyone know where I can access that information? (singles, doubles, etc). Thanks!
Jun 29, 14 at 5:20pm
I know this is probably written some where buuuut what time does the pre-reg badge line open on Friday and where is it going to be?
Jun 29, 14 at 5:16pm
On Friday one the cosplayers in my little group will be Mikasa (from Attack on Titan) while wearing 4th of July glasses.
Jun 29, 14 at 5:11pm
T.A.G Cosplay is a trio of buddies who will be at Midwest Friday and Saturday! Follow us on Facebook and YouTube! (If URL's don't work please let me know.)

Jun 29, 14 at 7:29am
If you read the 2014 booklet of events, they say that questions about handicap accommodation can be directed to Con-Ops.
Jun 29, 14 at 3:04am
Any Batman cosplayers want to meet up?
I will be rocking a Rockabilly Nightwing costume on Saturday. :)
Jun 29, 14 at 3:01am
Hello, everyone.
I am not new to conventions by any means, but I am new to this particular convention.
I will be rocking a Rockabilly Nightwing costume on Saturday. Look out for that costume if you want a picture with me (or want me to take one of you), and check out my facebook page a few days after the convention for the photos.
I also attend other conventions such as c2e2 and acen, currently.
Jun 29, 14 at 12:13am
Any of you guys going Thursday? We are planning on going Thursday to pick up are badges, anyone interested in meeting up?
Jun 28, 14 at 6:16pm
I'm unsure. I just know whoever it was we talked for like a half hour xD I was rin from Naruto