queeneileen @queeneileen
Wrong Info while registering! Help!
queeneileen @queeneileen
My mom signed me and my sister up, she got our birthdays confused. So now my badge says I'm over 18 while I am actually a minor! How can I change this without canceling my badge and repaying??
Jul 04, 14 at 8:21am
me and my friend are taking the train up and wont have a room or a car to store things is there anywhere we can store backpacks or anything while we or off on our adventures? i keep seeing they wont allow you to take bags into alot of places like game rooms and the rave. i dont understand what we are supposed to do in this case. make new friends i suppose idk? any help
Jul 03, 14 at 9:59pm
alrighty the room is full.
Jul 03, 14 at 8:32pm
Hey I'm new to anime conventions. We could meet up and hang out if you up to it
Jul 03, 14 at 7:44pm
Perhaps it didn't go through. That's worse case scenario. Try emailing Molly. I hope you get it figured out before you go and wait I'm a line d:
Jul 03, 14 at 6:48pm
Hi, my friend and I are going to Anime Midwest but I noticed the deadline online too late. So, I know we can buy them at the door but where exactly are they? Is there going to big line so I know where to get the admission?
If anyone could help this would be appreciated, I want to make this a best first convention for my friend.
Personified Websites photo shoot!! Photographer needed!!!!
over 10 years ago • Stuff Happening At The Con
over 10 years ago • Stuff Happening At The Con
Jul 03, 14 at 6:18pm
Sorry to bother anyone, but have they specified a time for the photoshoot? I'm going as YouTube and I'd love to participate!

Jul 03, 14 at 5:38pm
You can just bring your ID and check for the confirmation email that indicated that you paid through PayPal

Jul 01, 14 at 10:51pm
It's a good suggestion about disabled badges, and I think you can get more information about it from Con-ops since I remembered about how they handled a handicap cosplayer and her mother with their questions and concerns. It'd probably be easier to go get your badges and then go to Con-ops to ask questions to stay on the safe side, otherwise, con-ops first and then badges.
Bag Passes for a Dance Attendee with Asthma?
over 10 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
over 10 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
Jul 01, 14 at 5:09pm
I have not been to Saturdays dance, sorry to say. I've been to the Formal ball though (:
Jul 01, 14 at 8:23am
Since I'm new to the whole con thing I'd like to have a meet up with anyone and everyone during Anime Midwest, if you're interested in meeting up let me know, I'll ether be in my Neko cosplay or my umbreon cosplay
Jul 01, 14 at 4:08am
Only a few more days till anime Midwest, whos ready to party, if you see me I'll play any song you like through these cool small speakers I got though they don't look like speakers.
Also I might give someone a prize if your cosplay really strikes me as amazing.
Jun 30, 14 at 10:38pm
Who all is going to this?
Also, what're your mains?
Jun 30, 14 at 10:36pm
What days are your hotel reservations?
Jun 30, 14 at 9:32pm
Sorry, folks. .already found a roomie!