Bought Ticket, No email?

rokka7399 @rokka7399
Bought Ticket, No email?
rokka7399 @rokka7399
I bought my ticket about a month and a half ago, but I still have not got an email saying that it was bought? Does anyone know why that might be?

kirisunajr @kirisunajr
commented on
Bought Ticket, No email?
kirisunajr @kirisunajr
I know that you posted this a long time ago, but you may have to pick it up from the admission table at the con.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
Bought Ticket, No email?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Perhaps it didn't go through. That's worse case scenario. Try emailing Molly. I hope you get it figured out before you go and wait I'm a line d:
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