Jun 27, 18 at 11:28am
emilybe @emilybe
commented on
Help, I need a place to stay
emilybe @emilybe
Nevermind, I found a group!
I'm supposed to be staff and haven't heard anything???
over 6 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
over 6 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
Jun 26, 18 at 9:25pm
So I applied to be staff and received an acceptance email but no follow up has been received and I'm worried that I won't be staff. I've emailed Molly but to no avail. Please help
Jun 26, 18 at 3:50pm
Hello guys,
As the title states, looking for 4 more people to fill in our Hyatt VIP suite.
My friends' age group is between 19-26. We are not big drinkers, but we still love to have some fun.
Right now our only issue is the price and we would like to split it evenly with 4 more people. If you cannot pay, we can probably fill in for one or two people, as long as you contribute some food/drinks,etc.
Contact me on FB ( for details.
I have no problems meeting with people face to face before then either. I'm a regular Acen attendee for 6 years in a row and my 3rd time attending Midwest.
Jun 25, 18 at 7:27pm
So how would my situation work. I order my badge and wanted it delivered via the mail, but I forgot the numbers on it (ie 123 Applewood Dr). I had the street name but not the numbers. So am I going to have to wait in line or... please let me know ASAP.
Jun 21, 15 at 6:16pm
The panel didn't get accepted :/ *sighs*
Jun 22, 18 at 6:09pm
I went to buy at ticket for Saturday and Sunday. It should have only been $35 but i was charged more. The i found out i have more tickets than i wanted. Can i get my money back and remove those tickets please. I just want One of the Friday at 4:30, Saturday for 6:00pm, and Sunday for 12:30pm.
Jun 22, 18 at 4:07pm
About the autographs, I have heard that they are free but the website for anime midwest this year does not say what to bring to get signed. I really wanted to have a t-shirt signed so I can save it and show my friends. Will this be okay?
Jun 21, 18 at 4:36pm
I also like to make a few more friends, I'll be Ichigo on Saturday and Sunday.
Jun 21, 18 at 3:09pm
Can I pay for a 3 day pass at the convention on July 6?
Jun 01, 18 at 10:19pm
Hello, this is my first time going to Anime Midwest and i need some help!I cant find the times when it starts and when it ends.
What are the times on Sunday, Saturday and Friday. Also what is some good advice while going there?
May 21, 18 at 4:06pm
I just completed a weekend registration for one person, and I was charged $110 when I should have been charged $55. Is there anyone I can talk to about getting that money back? I know there's something wrong because my Total paid is $110 and my Total owed is $-55.
Apr 28, 18 at 11:34am
How do I purchase a kids ticket? I don't see the option when selecting ticket type.
Thanks in Advance
Jul 07, 17 at 6:39am
May I ask where the Autographs take place? I'm pumped about the Danganronpa Sleepover!
Jul 05, 17 at 9:51pm
Hello people, first Midwest con here.
Looking forward to meeting new people.
Also due to my friend dropping out last min I have a spare place in a hotel next to the con.
If anyone needs a last min room message me and let me know.