
Hey so this is my first Anime Midwest (been to ACen before, but not this con). I don't have any friends that are able to make it to this one, soooooo currently gathering a small army of people to chill with because chilling is better with, you know, people. *flips hair* Konnichiwa, baby.
Jun 13, 15 at 4:55pm
Hi! xD This is my first time going to a con, well, period, so I really don't know what to expect. It would be nice to be able to hang out with a group of people during to con. After all, it's always a plus to meet new people. I'd love to be your army..if you'd have me, of course.^-^
Definitely! I've been to a lot of cons the past six years so I can def give you some advice. Anything on the schedule you see that interests you? I'm personally pumped for the Attack on Titan sleepover B)
Dogman17 @dogman17 commented on Eyyyyy
Jun 13, 15 at 8:00pm
This will be my first time to Midwest as well, and my biggest con by far, honestly already feeling a little overwhelmed by the schedule lol. But yeah one the best parts I like about cons, is meeting new people and making some friends, especially since I go by myself I usually try to do that as fast as possible lol
May I ask where the Autographs take place? I'm pumped about the Danganronpa Sleepover!
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