Panel Announcements?

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
Panel Announcements?
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
When do we get the full listing for panels happening at the con and/or the approval or denial of submitted panel requests? I was trying to find the information but it wasn't specific. I've never been to Anime Midwest before so I wanted to know how this one works. (:

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
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Panel Announcements?
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Probably in the last weeks of June, I'd assume.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Panel Announcements?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Last year the final schedule came out on the middle of June (:

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
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Panel Announcements?
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
Awesome, thanks! :D And when I called the hotel they said you could check in at 18. Is that still correct?

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Panel Announcements?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Which hotel said this?

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
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Panel Announcements?
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
The Hyatt. I already put my credit card down and booked the hotel in December so I don't want to go there only for them to say "Sorry you have to be 21."

fooby @fooby
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Panel Announcements?
fooby @fooby
You should be able to check in as you are legally allowed to place a reservation. At 18 you are an "adult", even if you cannot drink you are still legally and adult. Other than drinking at 21 the only other real age thing is 25+ for renting a car (some don't allow, others will charge extra if under 25)

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Panel Announcements?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
You should be fine. Just be aware that the Hyatt fills quickly and they have had trouble with overbooking rooms before. This is not uncommon with hotels though. My advice for you is to arrive with time to spare. I always try to arrive early, because then you know for sure you have a room set. When I arrived last year around 10am they told me the room was being cleaned and offered to give me a call when it was ready which was perfect. I got to go get my badge and roam around the con knowing my room was set and was contacted a little after 1pm.
Personally I have not had a problem with my hotels overbooking and have always got my room, however I have heard from friends the troubles of arriving late and being moved to a 'sister' hotel due to overbooking and no available rooms. So just a heads up on all that. Arrive with time to spare and you will be fine ^^

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
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Panel Announcements?
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
Ah, thanks guys! I booked from Thursday to Sunday so I should be covered on the early part. I think it might be better to book a day before that way you aren't rushed on that Friday morning. I've never heard of overbooking before but I imagine it must happen with Acen a lot as it is a bigger convention?

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Panel Announcements?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Acen yes, but this was last years midwest for the Hyatt a few friends I know off Facebook were telling their stories. Good for you arriving a day early! Wish I could do that d:
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