
Hello everyone! I figured I'd check the forums out and have a look around. I am considering attending (as in I'm not 100% certain of attending, but it's being considered) this year. I've been to 2 other conventions in the past (Nanocon '07 & Anime Milwaukee '10) and will be attending Ohayocon '14 in January! As you can see, I don't attend conventions nearly as often as I'd like. Primarily due to location and finances...but hey, it's the price of having this kind of hobby. But anywho~ I'm a HUGE fan of Attack on Titan, as well as many other series old and new. I enjoy cosplaying, drawing, chatting online, videogames, music, and walks. I like to think I'm pretty easy to get a long with so don't hesitate to say hi! Hmmm....I guess that's all really...
Hey there! I'm with you on would attend more cons if it we're not due to finances. They are just such fun! I had the pleasure of attending anime Midwest 2013 and really enjoyed it! I hope you'll consider 2014 (: If you have questions or just want to chatter hit me up anytime!
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An convention.