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wondererbailey @wondererbailey
wondererbailey @wondererbailey
Hello everyone! I figured I'd check the forums out and have a look around. I am considering attending (as in I'm not 100% certain of attending, but it's being considered) this year.
I've been to 2 other conventions in the past (Nanocon '07 & Anime Milwaukee '10) and will be attending Ohayocon '14 in January! As you can see, I don't attend conventions nearly as often as I'd like. Primarily due to location and finances...but hey, it's the price of having this kind of hobby. But anywho~
I'm a HUGE fan of Attack on Titan, as well as many other series old and new. I enjoy cosplaying, drawing, chatting online, videogames, music, and walks. I like to think I'm pretty easy to get a long with so don't hesitate to say hi!
Hmmm....I guess that's all really...