

over 9 years ago
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Yep, it runs from noon to... well, the Anime Wonderland rave ends at 4 am the next day but it sounds like you'll be out long before then. It doesn't say when the Dealers' Room closes.
I wouldn't worry about it much. Although I haven't been to this particular con, all the anime cons I've been to have had a significant portion of attendees be underage. Standard rules for any convention forbid mature content out in public areas, and the usual protocol is to color-code the badges so the staff can identify minors and prevent them from entering 18+ events, which are typically scheduled late at night anyways. Your level of involvement really comes down to how much you trust the kids--if you don't want to come along, you can always check the schedule when it gets posted and arrange to pick them up before the adult programming begins.

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