

over 9 years ago
About Me:

'Sup. 26/F/from St. Louis, currently living in Chicago while finishing my masters degree in biology. I have experience working at a zoo, aquarium, pet store, and research lab and I've probably cleaned up after animals you've never even heard of and been bitten/headbutted/pinched/mauled/whatever by many more.

When I'm not covered in endangered species poop, I enjoy video games and cosplay. My favorite series include Dragon Age, Pokemon, Phoenix Wright, Mario, Zelda, and EverQuest.

I'm not much into anime but I do like Gurren Lagann, Lupin III, Detective Conan (not necessarily in that order). Mostly I watch the popular stuff just so I can recognize everyone's outfits. Uh... Kill la Kill, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, Panty and Stocking, Cardcaptor Sakura, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha... yeah, it's a short list. I'm open to suggestions.

I've been engaged for 3 years now, longer than we dated beforehand--it's a long story. He's not into geeky stuff as much as I am but we respect each other's hobbies. Mostly.

I also use the username TunaSpleen on Tumblr, Twitter, the Something Awful Forums, Cosplay.com, Flight Rising, and a bunch of other stuff I forgot by now.

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An AnimeCon.org convention.