What time is this open?

Okay so I can sadly only attend for Friday. I can't seem to find the times of when the convention is open and when it is closed... Is it open at 12:00 a.m. Friday and then open until like 12:00 a.m. Sunday? PLEASE HELP I am confused.
I looked over the schedule and it appears that it is opening at noon and then running until the early midnight-1AM on Sunday. I know usually the dealers room is what opens later but it says the opening ceremony is noon Friday..so. I would say noon?
Yep, it runs from noon to... well, the Anime Wonderland rave ends at 4 am the next day but it sounds like you'll be out long before then. It doesn't say when the Dealers' Room closes.
This is goin to be my first time at anime midwest and I dont know when it starts can some one tell me when the doors open thank you
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