

32 year old Female
almost 9 years ago
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@Sweeny I'm actually 6 hours south of Chicago, but there is an Amtrak station in my town. I know I'll be going to ACEN next year. I didn't know there was going to be a Disney meet up. I definitely want to go! As for size all I know is its supposed to be around 5000 people. I've only been to cons in the Midwest, the biggest being Anime St. Louis with around 3000 people. @Kandy will you be cosplaying?
That's really cool. Since I live in Southern Illinois I have to travel kinda far for most cons. Right now I've been going to 2-3 a year, but hopefully adding a few more for 2014. My costume line up: femme version of 11th Doctor (Doctor who), Ariel (Little Mermaid), and Moka (Rosario+ Vampire). I'll also be dragging my bf along who is doing partner cosplay with me for Little Mermaid and Rosario. I'm very excited to see everyone's cosplay. This will be the biggest con I've been to so far. I assume you'll be there as Captain Jack which looks amazing btw :)

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