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kandy @kandy
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kandy @kandy
Oh, pffft. It isn't that much of a drive when you are excited to do it! Okay maybe it is, but I've driven/flown to all sorts of places that this is hardly a bleep on the map for me.

strawberrymammon @strawberrymammon
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strawberrymammon @strawberrymammon
No problem! I'll be cosplaying Watashi from my picture so I'm glad there'll be someone who recognizes me too! :)

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
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CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
You're very welcome!
And thank you! I hope to meet you too, I'll keep an eye out for ya (probably will be asking all the Urahara cosplayers if they've been on AnimeMidwest forums lolz)

carsell1 @carsell1
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carsell1 @carsell1
Oh, my name's Cody by the way. If people actually intended to meet me at the con, it'd make things a little bit easier if they knew my name.

carsell1 @carsell1
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carsell1 @carsell1
I highly recommend Steins Gate. It goes between light and funny and heavy and psychological, and I think it balances both pretty well. The characters are dynamic and interesting, and the story has more than its share of twists and turns. If any of that sounds good to you, I'd say check it out.