We are going to be hosting and running a Homestuck Panel at Anime Midwest! We will be doing it sometimes Sunday (We haven't gotten a time as of now) If you LOVE homestuck and you know you are going, why not join our panel?! As of now it will be run by the Alpha kids, so we need a full cast of willing and devoted homestuck trash (; Characters we need! Jane John Rose Dave Jade Karkat Aradaia Tavros Sollux Nepeta Kanaya Terezi Vriska Gamzee Eridan Feferi If you would like to audition for one of these characters, please message me on either here, or deviant art with what character, your Skype, and any time you would be available to talk with us. We are doing very informal auditions/ interviews. We just want to get to know you and how comfortably you'd be with acting and how much you'd be willing to get into character! We would like to see you in the call, and we will just be asking a few questions and seeing how you portray your character. We will get back to you nearly immediately after the call and decide if you got it (we aren't going to be too picky) We will ask for a phone number if we decide that you will be joining us on the panel. If you have any further questions please message me here, or leave a comment about it! (: thank you all!
Getting a panel together is very difficult and I don't think too many people come on here now but I'm sure there will be more people on around the time of the con. Have you tried advertising on Facebook, Tumblr and other social media websites? I got bites for my panel by having a youtube video up where more people can see it. I think the panel submissions slots are pretty much used up, at least that's what one of the convention runners (admins? lol) told me after I submitted mine a few weeks ago. What I can suggest is finding people at this convention who are interested in Brothers Conflict, hang out with them and maybe plan the panel in advance for next year. I know it sucks having to wait but by then you might have people already lined up for the panel!
Heyy! I'm shy but totally interested. c: Did you already submit the panel? Name: Emma Character: Annie (but I've been considering doing a Krista cosplay) Age: 19
almost 10 years ago • Introductions
Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy midwest as much as the rest of us. If you have any questions I've made a question and answer thread. Also, if you would like to get to know some people going before con so you'll have people to instantly hang with might I suggest myself? Or you can meet and talk viathe cosplaying community forums we have going. Most of the members there will be attending midwest as will myself (: Email me anytime or check out the forum if toys like.
Sure! The back to the future panel will be an informative panel with little known facts about the movie franchise as well as the too favorite screens from the movies. There will also be a trivia game for attendees to test their bttf knowledge to win some stuff! The frequently asked questions about cosplay panel will be another informative panel answering some,of the too asked questions about cosplaying myself and friends have been asked over the years. We will cover topics/questions like what's a good wig fiber, cosplay fitness, con safety, as well as basic questions asked by non cosplayers on how they can get started into cosplaying. We also leave room for attendees to share convention/cosplay stories as well as share their own tips or ask questions at the end. The guess that Japanese product panel will be a game style like panel that promises to be hilarious and informative in it's own way. I'll be showing various Japanese commercial products pausing near the end of each to allow two contestants to guess what the product being advertised is! It's usually not what you think it is, since the Japanese marketing system is so vague. I'll have a price or two for this one as well. But yea, Japanese videos and convention attendees hair having fun is the basic idea of this panel! Someone ram a panel like this my first year of midwest, and I've never seen a panel like it again. Which is sad because it was well down and funny! Here's to hoping mine is too
Do you like collecting Nendoroids? What about some gundum looking figures? I'm hosting a free giveaway going on during the con! There is no price to enter other then being a member of the cosplaying community forum, which is completely free to join! For more information post here or visit: Or on Facebook: Questions? You can also email me @
This yea to anime midwest 2015! They have attended for the last 2 years. Such a fun band!
I recommend Arda wigs as well as reputable Ebay sellers. Bought from both and love my wigs! If you want my Ebay Sellers shop let me know
about 10 years ago • Introductions
Jan 20, 15 at 9:51pm
Ooo sounds fun and hullos ^,..,^
She's a very great voice actor. She has been voices in Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, Ghost In the Shell, and has sang music for the video game franchise Silent Hill.
Yeah that answers my question, and thanks.
Hey all, some of you may know me as fanshihime on Instagram or Tumblr. I would like to get a Diabolik Lovers cosplay group together for Friday of Anime Midwest this year. {Yes, I know it's early, but I want to give people time to think about it, make costumes, or order things without any rush (:} I would be cosplaying Yui Komori, and I need a Laito, Ayato, Kanato, Reiji, Shu, and Subaru to cosplay with me. Maybe we could also come together to make a panel? Reply if interested, and leave your Instagram, Tumblr, or Kik so that I will be able to contact you! Thanks all!
Since DC Douglas is already coming to the convention, can we get at least Steve Blum? I would love to see them on a Transformers: Rescue Bots panel. It would be awesome if we can even get Parvesh Cheena or Imari Williams as a guest? Pretty please, with a cherry on toP! At least Steve Blum!
I actually had this happen. My dad couldn't take me so I took my sister, but I explained to a staff member and they told me to show id and just explain. We didn't get in trouble. You can't change the name, but thats okay cause some people actually use character names for their badges. It shouldn't matter.

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An convention.