Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")

imspartacus22 @imspartacus22
Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")
imspartacus22 @imspartacus22
Hey, so my first con evar was Youmacon in 2009 when I met Doug Walker and the rest of the Channel Awesome folks, and I wanted to head up to Chicago to see em again! I'm 23 and honestly not much of an otaku but I LOVE Fullmetal Alchemist and am just now starting Samurai Champloo and FMA: Brotherhood, so please take it easy on me lol... I don't know a ton of con regulars so I really want to make new friends and connections. I'll be the half-black guy at the con dressed as the Nostalgia Critic and sometimes wearing a Watchmen smiley badge haha :)

armsjet @armsjet
commented on
Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")
armsjet @armsjet
I enjoy anime/managa casually too, no worries. FMA is definitely one of my all time favorites, tugged on my heart strings throughout.

imspartacus22 @imspartacus22
commented on
Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")
imspartacus22 @imspartacus22
Yeah it's such an amazing series, I was blown away from day one.
Nice Gundam getup, by the way (I hope I guessed that right haha).

armsjet @armsjet
commented on
Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")
armsjet @armsjet
Have you just watched Brotherhood or did you watch the old anime for it too?
Haha it's actually transformers but that's okay, thank you!!

imspartacus22 @imspartacus22
commented on
Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")
imspartacus22 @imspartacus22
Darnit! That was my first guess.
I'm actually most familiar with the old anime, not very far into Brotherhood at the moment.

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
commented on
Second con EVAR! (Yes, with an "A")
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
I'm not much of an otaku either and I have never encountered any problems because of that, so don't worry xD.
I actually only have one anime that I really like (Kuroshitsuji), otherwise I am watching more mainstream live-action TV shows, but I still love going to anime conventions because the people at these things are always so welcoming and awesome. I don't know any convention regulars here either, so I hope to make some friends or at least make some cosplay connections. I'll keep an eye out for you though! I'll be the short asian Jack Sparrow lol (as much as I hate describing myself that way, that's mainly what people see, so :P )
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