Parking Options -- Here's Where

Hello all! If you're like me and have never been to this particular convention and are unsure as to where to park then this picture might come in handy! It's an aerial sort of view of where the Hyatt is as well as surrounding hotels and their parking options. (:
As one who has done a few Cons at the rosemont center, one should Keep in mind the skybridge is not ventilated in the summer. So the less you need to walk in it (Even in sweltering weather) the better.
I'm staying at the Hyatt and doing valet parking because I am assuming that the Hyatt is attached to the convention center and assuming that I won't need the car... am I right to assume this? I've never been to this convention before :P
I've been there for a different convention a few times but I'm not sure if it's going to be held in the same area as the other convention just because my memory is shot but I'm about 75% sure yes. Again, I could be mistaken.
Yea I am thinking valet parking is what I will be doing. Staying at the Hyatt until Sunday...and Im too nervous finding a place for my car let alone trying to find a place in a garage and remembering* where I parked. If anyone has more information on the issue of parking please keep posting here. Because yours truely would love to read (: *keyword being remember..I highly doubt I would x.x;
Note for next year. The extra garage next to the Hyatt randomly closed around 5pm. So when my friends and I came back from getting food we couldn't attend the night events at the convention. You could see open spots on the first floor so I'm pretty sure being full wasn't the reason it closed. We stayed at a hotel about 5 minutes away. Seems like your best bet for this particular convention is to stay at a hotel within walking distance.
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