Homestuck Bingo!

anemoneon @anemoneon
Homestuck Bingo!
anemoneon @anemoneon
So hello everyone! for this year at Anime Midwest, my friends and I have decided to play a lil game called ‘Homestuck Bingo’!!!
Basically, I’ll be making lil bingo cards with different Homestuck characters randomly arranged on them and it’s your job to seek them out and get yourself a bingo!
The objective: After exchanging phone numbers with the head of the game (Me!), you set off from the group and embark on a solo journey (from the designated meeting area) around the con (for a designated amount of time, with a designated meeting area at the end) You’re attempting to get pictures of/with each of the characters on your board so you can cross them off the sheet to get you BINGO!
If you get ~Bingo~, you shoot a text to me as fast as your lil fingers can type and I’ll inform all participants that the winner has been chosen!
The winner gets like….. a button… or something….(hentai mouse pads? heheh) from the dealer’s room!
I mean, the rules are a lil iffy right now, but we thought it seemed like a fun way to celebrate the mass amount of amazing Homestuckers that are found at every con, and hey, it’s just another way to have fun a lil fun and make friends at a convention!
so yo! If you’re interested in playing with us, let me know so I can make you a card and exchange contact info with you!
here's my tumblr, it's probably a good idea to message me on there if you have one!
" "
Thanks guys, home to meet all of you!

nekoid @nekoid
commented on
Homestuck Bingo!
nekoid @nekoid
hENTAI MOUSPADS sound like a great prize holy- that should've been fun

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
commented on
Homestuck Bingo!
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Holy shit! This sounds wonderful! I bet those Beforus trolls would be tricky to get! I'll message you under your Tumblr, but count me in!
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