Photo ID?

thesilentgirl @thesilentgirl
Photo ID?
thesilentgirl @thesilentgirl
Since I pre-ordered my ticket I need to show photo ID. I don't have a photo ID so what should I bring? Im a kid and my high school hasn't made the ID's yet so what should I do?

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
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Photo ID?
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
If you are coming with your parent, they will show their ID
If not, bring your passport or go and get a state issued ID (it looks like a driver's license but is just used for ID purposes). If you're going to take that route, you should do that as soon as possible because it could take a while to get to your house if they have to mail it to you

thesilentgirl @thesilentgirl
commented on
Photo ID?
thesilentgirl @thesilentgirl
Couldn't I just print out the receipt/conformation that I bought the ticket? I still have the e mail confirming everything and has a number on there plus I have the PayPal receipt.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
Photo ID?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Email molly the staff member and see what she advises (Im pointing allot of people to Molly because she's prettyhelpful).
Even with a receipt you'll need some form of id Im sure. But ask molly all the same:

masternull @masternull
commented on
Photo ID?
masternull @masternull
If you live in chicago there is a place where you can get your ID on the same visit. It's what I had to do.
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