Hey there! I'm new to Anime conventions in general..

Exactly, I'm almost done putting my 2nd Coldplay outfit together I'm going as a pokemon gentleman and umbreon so if anyone wants me to post a pick of both cosplay outfits let me know but yea I'd be more then happy to meet up with you :)
I'm new too! I really want to go to Anime Midwest this year, mainly for Steam Powered Giraffe and meeting some members of the fanmily. The schedule for everything at the convention is kind of overwhelming. Any advice? I want to cosplay my own character that has a similar style to Steam Powered Giraffe. I'm not sure what to do. The mascaraed ball and such are kind of throwing me off. Help?
It's my first time going too and I was feeling kind of weird about going all by myself and not being able to talk to anyone there. I want to meet up with people there.I'm cosplaying Umaru-Chan
My first time going as well. Also going to be by myself, wanted to cosplay to make it less awkward by myself but probably not going to get that done in time. I hope I meet some fun people there too.
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