Pre Registration: Is it /really/ necessary?

I may be applying for a job soon (need more money for Jack Sparrow updates), but I am unsure if I will get that weekend off. If I didn't pre register, how likely is it that this convention will totally sell out before I get there? I plan on getting to the Hyatt on Friday at around 10-11am. Also, for the Hyatt... do they require that you be 18 or 21 to check in?
I've seen the tickets go from 4000 to 2402 in about one month. If I were you, I would register asap but only when you know for sure if you can go. At door rates tend to be higher so check the final price rate now before the increase. I believe that you must be 21 years old to check in solo at the Hyatt. Helo again, btw. ^_^
Cost is not an issue for me. Conventions on here seem to be way less expensive than they are out in the Northeast area (for example, I am paying $70 to go to Otakon in Baltimore). Anyways I am going to go ahead and pre register since I just reserved a hotel room. I called the Hyatt and they said 18 is the minimum check in age, so I should be fine there. Hi again! xD
Yay! All's well that ends well. Now where's the rum? : D
I must get a photo with you jack.....MUST xD
The location of the rum is for me to know and for you to never find out. I shall drink the rum all by me onsies, savvy? Armand, I'm sure you'll be able to get a pic with me and maybe a few other Jack Sparrows (I think there are a few more us Sparrows who will be attending this convention xD )
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