Really New...

Greetings to you all! This is the first time I've been on this site and to a convention. I hope to make new friends here and have fun. Any tips? -Koalaty
Welcome to the convention world! This year will be my first year at Anime Midwest as well. I am really looking forward to meeting new friends and going to a convention in a different area of the US (I just recently moved from NJ) As far as tips go, I'd say that you should try to do a little bit of everything at this convention. Try going to a few panels that may interest you, spend some time in the dealer's room and artist's alley, and try attending a photoshoot so you can meet more people who are into the same animes as you. Also don't be afraid to talk to other cosplayers... people at these conventions are generally very friendly and open to talking to new people
Jun 09, 13 at 2:45am
Congrats! The most important tips/advice I can give you is to be spontaneous. It's alright to have plans but for these kinds of events you tend to have a lot more fun going with the flow. If you have specific things you want to see, check the schedule and set a reminder. For panels, make note of ones you find interesting or think you would enjoy throughout the day. Panels are a good thing to go to if you're starting to feel tired from all the walking but still want to do something. Look around, try new things, ask questions, and feel free to chat people up. Most of the people attending are happy to converse with anyone.
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