Hello to all!

LittleLolitaLady @nooneleft
Hello to all!
LittleLolitaLady @nooneleft
This is my first Anime Con,Should I know some tip and tricks to fit in? Answers would be accepted gladly!

colormeriddle @colormeriddle
commented on
Hello to all!
colormeriddle @colormeriddle
Hi! This is my first convention too. From the tips that I've heard from other con-goers, one of the biggest things to remember is to do things. Don't be a wallflower and just watch everyone else. You'll end up missing out on all the fun. And don't be afraid to talk to people and make new friends.

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
commented on
Hello to all!
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
Colormeriddle has some good advice. Really you will learn more once you get more and more involved in this community. But I guess the most important thing to remember is that there actually are no real tricks to "fitting in" at these types of events. The people at conventions are generally really friendly and accepting and open to meeting new friends. So just be yourself, be open to talking to new people, and don't forget about common sense and respect. I am being completely serious about that last point. Sometimes people at conventions tend to ignore the common rules of respect or common sense simply because they are in a convention environment. Things sometimes get out of hand and cosplay/convention drama ensues. Follow these little guidelines and you should do just fine at your first convention. If you have a hard time approaching other cosplayers, attending a cosplay photoshoot may help since everyone there already has a common interest and they are generally just chillin and watching the photoshoot so it's really easy to meet new people at photoshoots.

armsjet @armsjet
commented on
Hello to all!
armsjet @armsjet
Plan some but be spontaneous, remember to eat and drink properly, ask questions, talk to many, and explore!
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