Hey sup

keishakips @keishakips
Hey sup
keishakips @keishakips
My name is Key and I like to pee
ok seriously my name Keisha and do not make a Kesha joke cause we will engage in fisticuffs
I'm really excited for midwest!!! This isn't my first con, Acen was, but Acen was so much fun that I couldn't help bt jump at the idea to go to this! I'm really into Lolita fashion, though I cannot afford it at all so I don't have anything.
I am really into anime and I've been into it since I was about 3 when Sailor Moon came on TV. I plan on cosplaying Marceline and maybe some other things at the con.
What about you guys? How long have you been cosplaying or watching anime?

armsjet @armsjet
commented on
Hey sup
armsjet @armsjet
Hello! I'm Jaclyn.
I've been to acen as well and couldn't resist another convention. Especially since the special guests make it so tempting. Ahhh Lolita has such nice designs. I would probably be more into it if it wasn't so pricey.
OHHH I would love to get a photo with you then! Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows.
I'll be dressed in a captain hat and muscular arms on my shoes. Totally made up just for fun. I don't really cosplay much but I was thinking of dressing up as Fionna in the future. I've been watching anime for a handful of years.

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
commented on
Hey sup
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
Once you go to one con you will find that you can't stop attending them. It becomes like an addiction lol
I've been going to conventions for 4 years now (8-11 cons per year), and I still have not gotten the least bit tired of going to these conventions lol
I'm actually not as into anime as most convention attendees are, but I would have to say that my favorite anime is Kuroshitsuji. I love the characters (Grell and Undertaker are my two favorites and I actually might do an Undertaker costume one of these days), and I also love the character design in that series.
I have been cosplaying for 4 years, yet I only have 2 costumes done. I do costumes from live action films, so no anime yet, and those costumes include Sweeney Todd and Captain Jack Sparrow. I'd say both of them are still works in progress though, I still have tons of upgrades that I would like to do on them.

sakurablessing @sakurablessing
commented on
Hey sup
sakurablessing @sakurablessing
Hi there! (: I'm Vanna.
I haven't been to Acen yet, but I'm hoping to venture out there next year. I've never been to Anime Midwest before either, and this will actually be my first out of state convention. I live in Ohio so I usually stick to more local cons, but I'm very excited to finally be traveling around to different ones!
I've also been into anime for quite awhile; since I was around 7 or so. And I love Adventure Time, too! One of my friends is cosplaying Marshall Lee so maybe I can get a picture with the both of you? Haha.
I'll be cosplaying as well (actually, I don't think I've ever not cosplayed at a convention), and my lineup is Izaya Orihara [Durarara!], Kayako Saeki [The Grudge] and The Onceler - Greedler version [The Lorax].
But anywho, all of your cosplays sound fun! I'd love to get pictures with you. (:

Austrinaut @austrinaut
commented on
Hey sup
Austrinaut @austrinaut
ACEN this year was my first con as well, I too am hooked, and cannot afford the most appropriate apparel.. next year I will cosplay something, but this year I have green hair so...
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