Hey there!

kitsh @kitsh
Hey there!
kitsh @kitsh
So I am definitely not new to cons but new to anime midwest. Also this is the first con I am going to without friends because they are all going to be on various vacations)=
So I was wondering if anyone wanted to chill with me during anime midwest? I'm 17, going to be cosplaying an dlove free hugs!

colormeriddle @colormeriddle
commented on
Hey there!
colormeriddle @colormeriddle
Hey, this is going to be my first convention ever and I'm going all by myself. I'd be totally awesome to chill with you (i'm 17 too). And yus!!! Free hugs!!!

kitsh @kitsh
commented on
Hey there!
kitsh @kitsh
Yayyy! Friends (=

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
commented on
Hey there!
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
I would love to chill with both of you
This is my first time to Anime Midwest (definitely not my first convention though lol) and I will also be a lonely con goer with no friends. :( My friends are all on the east coast since I just recently moved out to the midwest. It would be awesome to run into you guys
Btw I'm a Jack Sparrow impersonator, just putting that out there if it helps you guys find me xD

kitsh @kitsh
commented on
Hey there!
kitsh @kitsh
Captain Jack<3 I'll need to find you at least for a picture lol

CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
commented on
Hey there!
CaptainJackSparrow @captainjacksparrow
I cover a lot of ground at conventions, you'll probably run into me at some point :D

armsjet @armsjet
commented on
Hey there!
armsjet @armsjet
Hello! I've been to conventions before but am new to anime midwest as well. I wouldn't mind meeting up with you and having a hug fest with some chatting. I'm a 19 year old lady and will be dressed with a costume I made up involving a captain hat and some muscular arms on my shoes so I'll probably be pretty easy to spot.
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