Looking to Put together a Tokusatsu Panel

...But I'm unsure if there's already one on this year's schedule (Is there a Schedule list yet for July 2013?), or if one is already being planned. I'd like to help out if there's one in the works, and didn't want to submit an event that may already be on the docket.
I know there was a panel last year, you might want to try and find out who was running it last year and e-mail them about it? I'm all up for a Tokusatsu panel though, I plan on doing some Gokaiger cosplay this year and I'd love to meet other fans at a panel.
Gokaiger Sentai IS Best Sentai. But yeah, that's kind of why I made this thread, to try and get in contact with anyone else with intent/interest to put one together this year, plus get an indication of what would be best to focus the presentation on in the Hour available: Would history be better, or Blatant "Watch this series" list? A Compare-and-contrast of the genre's best and worst? Should it just be an open discussion with the organizers being the moderators, or fill up the time with a Powerpoint slideshow? Should the showrunner and Directors be discussed, or would that turn into a heated argument/fight over the Idiocy of Johnathan Tzachor, Osamu Kaneda, Shoji Yonemura, and the like? I wanted some Input.
My memory is a bit fuzzy but the panel last year was more of an intro power point type deal. With a brief history of, what this year's shows are and just some info. Plus a "this is a good list of shows to start off with" and some clips. Personally I think more of an intro + history type deal is what people would be more interested in. Compare and contrast and just overall explaining things + showing how it's changed over the year to what it is now. Would work well, as for an open discussion, there was a little bit of a q&a thing last year but a discussion might not work as well if it's just an intro in to things.
I was leaning more towards that direction anyways; I've done an article on the history of the genre before, and it would be easy to shorten it into part of the presentation with time left to address good series for starters, but I wanted a second opinion. Second Opinions be good. Thanks a lot Sarah, you've been a good sounding board. I've submitted the application for the panel, so Now I've got a few months to work on the presentation and my Cosplay. Hopefully I'll hear back from the organizers soon.
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