would this be offensive/insensitive

I'm planning to cosplay Nunnally from code geass and of course she's in a wheelchair. my friend's little sister has a wheelchair, but would it be offensive if I brought it to the convention? I wouldn't exploit wheelchair access or anyhthing and pretend that i actually needed it but it's just for accuracy and the costume competition
I would check with the friend first regarding the offensive level. I would also let people know you don't need wheelchair access and don't be in it when not in costume. Other then that, as long as it's part of the character, then I say it would be okay.
Sounds like you are planning to handle this responsibly and respectfully. I would say to just use it for the costume competition or any photoshoots you plan on attending, and then not use it when you are generally wandering around the con. Carry a reference pic with you too so that you can show what the character looks like and that the wheelchair is actually just a prop.
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