What should I expect?

It's my first time at Anime Midwest, and there aren't many great YouTube videos about it, so could you guys give me some pointers? I've been attending cons for five years, but it's my boyfriend's first convention, so advice would be great.
Anime midwest is allot of fun. There is plenty of events and panels to look into, and as my friend Alan told me I will tell you: plan on attending one or more panels on various topics you wouldn't normally see yourself attending! Chances are you'll enjoy it, learn something new, or just have a story out of it to tell later. One of the great things about AM is the free ramen and pop. They have also served free rice before (unsure about this year), and while this isn't something you should plan to be your meals all weekend it's nice of them to offer it and makes a good first meal or snack inbetween meals. There is a Denys down the road if you need something more filling. Try to bring some food or snacks of your own. If you have a hotel check to see if you'll have a fridge and or microwave (: Plan on being early for big events. Normally lines form for events in the main rooms/larger panel rooms, so bring a ds to pass the time or better yet come and talk to others in line about stuff! It's a great way to meet people. Once you arrive, get your badge, and have your booklet it's important to note the times the vendors hall opens each day, as well as familiarize yourself with the map. Staff are all around in staff shirts, so if you ever need help do ask them! If you happen to run into me at con be sure and say hi! This will be my third year so if you have any questions or want to hang out with someone who knows the terrain just ask! Hope all this helps (:
Regarding your YouTube video comment: have you heard about the channel Convention Reviews. The guys name is Cody and he goes around to cons and reviews them, posting vlogs and music videos about them. I believe he made a review about AM last year and also 2013. ALSO!! Hes having a Kigurumi party at anime midwest this year, Saturday night at 9pm. (Kigurumis are basically animal onsies people love to wear to cons). the party is in the Hyatt, on the bottom floor and directly to the left. I'll be going ^^ (dont worry, he's stated its not an alcohol type of party, just a chill gathering of fans) Anyway, Anime Midwest last year (2014) was probably the BEST convention i had EVER been to. Seriously. And i have been going to Acen for 4 years now. It's less crowded than Acen (11,000 vs. 35,000) so meeting new people is easier because the atmosphere is chill. Not many people are in a huge rush to get anywhere so theres more chances to talk to people and meet new friends. The cosplay variety was on point last year and its easy to find cosplays of your fave animes and shows! Meetups and gatherings are abundant too if you like those. Although i havent been to it, ive heard Midwest's rave and dances are amazing and DJs are really really good! the panel variety, i find at least, is always amazing with something for everyone! the dealers/artist alley is smaller than large cons but the sellers tend to not sky rocket their prices like during Acen, so its easy to find amazing stuff for good prices :D and i agree with everything HappyCosplayer said above! Please enjoy yourself at the con :D
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