Ask A Nation Panel?

Apr 20, 12 at 10:34pm
I'd just like to ask, is anyone holding a Ask A Nation Panel? If so, I'd love to be in it, as I cosplay America. In would create a Ask A Nation Panel but I know to few Hetalia cosplayers to actually start one! ^^
If there is an Ask a Nation Panel I would also love to be in it! I could cosplay as Canada or Chibitalia!
Me and my friend are thinking of hosting one! If we do we will let you guys know! 8D
I saw four Hetalia panels on the event schedule, one of them being Nyotalia Ask A Nation. Does anyone have any information on that one? I'm interested in being on the panel as fem!Canada.
Is there for sure an Ask Panel? I will be either 2P!Nyo America,Nyo South Italy,or Liechtenstein. But If there isn't,Let me know,I don't want to show up for something that isn't going to happen.
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