What to wear to the formal ball?

Hello, My SO and I are attending Midwest for the first time. He's no fashion plate. What do we wear to the formal ball? We're over 30 otaku.
You don't have to go all out i.e. fancy dress and for him a tux. But by all Means: don't go in jeans! Can't stand when with this happens at formal balls... Go wearing something that's comfy (most important). I recommend just a nice shirt and slacks for men (a dress shirt, button down shirt, or collared shirt looks great on men without being overly fancy). As a woman I go in a dress while in cosplay, and tend to do a more formal look by wearing the Long gloves and jewelry. However you could always go in a simplified dress, or skirt. It's really up to you. Just think of the dress code as semi fancy, or better yet: something you might wear to, say, an interview or to church. Hope that helped!
If you have any more questions feel free to ask or email me. This will be my 3rd year at anime midwest. I've attended the fantasy ball all years
Yes! Thanks so much for letting me know. My guy was worried about having to break out the tux--a possible deal-breaker. He's not a cosplayer, but has plenty of career duds we can tart up. Plans right now are that I'll be cosplaying steampunk for the ball, and my outfit's easy--change jewelry and gloves and change the hat for a fascinator and voila! We'll be at the ballroom dance lessons for sure. We didn't spring for a platinum badge, so how early do we need to be in line to get into the dance? We go to large cons and have been event-skunked before. This my first year at AnimeWest, and we're both counting the days. I'd appreciate Any tips you have for making the most of this Con. All the best, Em
Well,allow me to be the first to welcome you! Anime midwest is my favorite convention for many reasons. I am happy to answer any questions you gave about location, and so on. I also attend the dance lessons, if anything to recap what I've learned before. Because dancing is fun! Normally the dance lessons are right before the event itself, though that's not always the case. If the lesson is scheduled before the ball you will be right where you need to be (unless the dance lessons and ball are located in two separate places), so you won't have to worry about a line. If you are not part of the dance lessons you May have to wait outside in a line for the ball. I believe this happened my frost year back in 2013, correct me if wrong anyone. So it really boils down to the final schedule release, which should be out in the next week or two. So look for those times! You boyfriend will be fine and comfy not wearing a tux (: mine wears black slacks and and button down purple shirt usually. Maybe I'll see you there! Your steampunk look sounds awesome! And to make this even longer I would like,to end by inviting you to the raffle and cosplay bingo events I have planned over midwest weekend. You can win cool prizes for playing cosplay bingo and awesome prizes for taking part in the raffle! If you are interested please see the website or email me: http://cosplayingcommunity.webs.com happycosplayer@gmail.com Have a great day!
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