Airsoft guns?

i have read the weapons policy at least 6 times and i'm a little bit confused on when the policy said "realistic guns are only allowed if they have a very bright orange tip" followed by "Guns that actually work, or have the potential to work, or might be mistaken by the public as real" .. so does that mean airsoft guns are allowed but aren't at the same time? this is what i was planning on bringing with me to Midwest Heres a close up of the body, this is the only part of the body that is not painted cause i want prop check to know that this is not a real steel firearm and rather it is a replica here are the orange tips i have provided, the suppressor (middle one) is tapped with Bright orange tape and the other two came with painted orange coloring so my question is with these orange tips on and my gun disabled would my prop be approved?
You have it disabled and the orange tips, so in my eyes you are good to go. However: You'll have to bring it to con ops to have it checked out. And their is the chance they won't allow it even after all you have done to it. Also: if they let's it pass, be prepared to be stopped allot by staff to check it. They put a tie strong on all weapons checked so you can always point to that and say it's been checked, but that won't stop you from being stopped again later. I Brought a massive prop and it was checked a dozen times even after it been tagged. Sorry I can't be of more help, but as it stands I think you are good to go. Just be prepared if staff say otherwise and if asked to return it to your room. Looks awesome! Are you going all weekend?
May 17, 15 at 10:35pm
yes i will be attending to all 3 day's, and i am hoping that it would not be a problem. i have always brought my airsoft guns to conventions and i have never had a problem with the staff. i mean if i have to go as far as taking the thing apart to show em it's fake i will do it (it's not that hard to take it apart and put back together) Both wizard world and Anime central have treated me fairly and i am hoping that Anime midwest will do the same since this will be my first time attending
I don't see you having any issues then, especially if you are able and willing to take it apart. Midwest is allot of fun, and I prefer it over Acen any day. It's my favorite convention!
May 18, 15 at 7:24am
I don't get how if it fits into an Anime theme? This is my first time here though. Swords at Ren Faire make sense but I don't quite get the high powered pellet gun which looks like an assault rife aspect?
May 18, 15 at 1:24pm
At conventions, it doesn't have to simply be just anime. It can be games/video games, shows, etc. bringing props that looks really real will disturb the public peace unless there is a mark that obviously states that it's not real even if it looks JUST like it. Thus why there is always an orange tip on these prop guns. Not only that, but at this convention, it will be checked and sealed where you won't be able to use the trigger. Sometimes, they will ask if there is wiring there that runs on batteries and you might have to take the batteries out (and sometimes the wiring inside are already cut off) If the gun is actually made of metal, staff will most likely ask for them to take it back to their car/room. The same applies to swords if it cannot be sealed at all in their sheath. Basically, no matter how real the gun looks like, it has to be useless to work (like a toy gun that doesn't shoot) and only serves as a prop for cosplayers to pose with.
May 18, 15 at 7:11pm
I never bring the batteries to a con because..well its a convention not an airsoft game lol, what i like to do is (and people can use this for help if need be if they too have a realistic gun prop) 1: Take out the inner barrel (most guns from airsoft retailers have two barrels, 1 inner barrel and one outer barrel) 2: Take out the motor (located in the grip) 3: unplug the wiring from the gearbox (depending on where you put your batteries in, Front or back) that way my gun has a 0% chance of working and i can re-install all of them with ease...after the con has ended of course.
I'm planning on bring my Airsoft Gun to the con. I'm not so sure it will pass an inspection though because it is a very realistic replica that runs on propane gas. It's fully metal and has a fully functional slide. I'm hoping it will be fine though because it does have an orange tip and I plan on leaveing the magazine out (which is required for it to fire). Though I will be bringing a plastic back up just in case!
Worst comes to worst they have you return it to your hotel room. Looking forward to seeing your cosplays!
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