Discount for panel?

Apr 17, 15 at 6:48pm
If you have a panel, can you get a discount on the ticket price?
Apr 17, 15 at 6:53pm
I apologize but I do not believe that you can, seeing as most people buy their tickets before they even think of holding a panel,and to be honest I don't see why someone with a panel would get a discount.
Apr 18, 15 at 10:29am
Actually, there are discounts for holding panels in most conventions. For SURE, this con will NOT provide any free badges if you had READ the Submission FAQ. The only exceptions would be special panelists that runs at least 4 approved panels (though, you'll have to contact them about it) The only time you'll actually know you'll be approved of is by 1 month prior to the con, in this case, at least by June whether or not your panel is accepted.
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