Misc. Cartoon Cosplay Panel?

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Misc. Cartoon Cosplay Panel?
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Hey guys! If your planning on cosplaying Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, or any other thing like that, I need you! You see, I kinda wanna start an ask panel with characters like these because fandoms like that are really blowing up!
If you are intrested, please contact me on Tumblr, Gmail, or Skype!
Tumblr: Hypelord-Timelord
Skype: ectoAlchemist
Gmail: xxbacontacoxx@gmail.com

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
commented on
Misc. Cartoon Cosplay Panel?
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Please contact me soon if you even have the slightest desire to join the panel! Time is running out!

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
commented on
Misc. Cartoon Cosplay Panel?
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
NOTE: Plans have changed! The panel will now encompass all relevant Tumblr panels and will be renamed "Tumblr Fandom Style" to fit accordingly. The new thread advertising this panel will be located in the Actual Relevant Stuff folder with a shiny new thread.
I apologize for any inconvenience, and please be sure to check this new thread out!
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