Extra Life Panel! (And possibly a table?)

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Extra Life Panel! (And possibly a table?)
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Hey guys! John here! I kinda wanted to make a forum post about what I plan on doing for Anime Midwest and seeing if anyone would be interested in such a thing. I mean, it's not necessarily about anime, it's more of a video gaming thing. However, I don't think that should be a problem due to the wide range of people this con is going to be presented to! :3 I think it's a really neat thing, and I hope you guys will like it, too!
All right, so I was kinda planning on hosting a panel about a charity organization called Extra Life. It's an organization based around raising funds to help the Children's Hospitals around this area with the kids who have been diagnosed with Leukemia. Yeah, it's really bad stuff. But, how the funds are raised, I at least think is really cool.
You see, the charity organization is founded around playing video and tabletop games for charity. There are plenty of people who are already apart of it, like CoLab and SkyDoesMinecraft. It's a really fun and easy-to-use program and I think you guys will like it!
In the panel, we'll be talking about where these funds will be going, how to get started, and all that good stuff. It'll probably be presented in a relatively small panel room because I'm not really expecting that many people to be interested in this sorta thing. It'll probably be presented via online slideshow (Probably using this site: http://prezi.com/.) by amateur panelist, yours truly. At the end of the panel, I'll will be hosting a fundraiser-raffle thing. Depending on how much hype and support I can get will decide how this goes down.
So, there are two ways this can go down. One of which is I get little to no hype for this before the con. What would happen then would be that, at the beginning of the panel, I would have two popcorn holders or something to hold raffle tickets for a small range of prizes. Now, I've already contacted What Pumpkin about this, and their Director of Communications and Conventions (His name is Julian, he's a pretty nice guy!) seemed pretty excited to help. He can't really confirm any product, but he said that he'd try to get some Homestuck themed prizes for a raffle like this. I was pretty excited when I got this message, because I'm a huge fan of Homestuck! But, that'd be one of the only really cool things there if we don't get much hype. Well, besides a crap ton of Magic cards. At the end of the panel, the results for the raffle will be drawn and thus will end the panel.
However, if we do raise some hype, we could probably get the con to let us have a table in the convention hall or something where we can put tickets in the raffle beforehand. Not only that, but this would probably get more incentive for more stuff to be donated, so that you can have the possibility to win more stuff! It'll also be a place where you can get more information on it and such.
But hey, I'm doing this for everyone at the con. If you think you have a better idea than me, or you think this idea is pure rubbish, tell me! But, if you think this table thing would be wonderful, message molly@animemidwest.com and tell her that this table needs to be the thing. Oh, and another bonus! If my panel is one of the %10 who don't make it, we'll always have the table to do the raffle and such.

John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
commented on
Extra Life Panel! (And possibly a table?)
John Egbert @th3_bl1nd_pr0ph3t
Hey, is this intresting to anyone? Bc I don't wanna start this whole thing if nobody is gonna come. XD
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